Have you ever thought what would happen to your business if the internet was down for a day? A week? Maybe more? Or how would you survive if your home connection was always out? Well, the internet is one of those things most people take for granted until it’s gone and your left disconnected. To appreciate how bad this situation can be, consider the fact that the U.S Telecommunications Industry Ombudsman (TIO) received over 30,000 new complaints between January and March 2016. Internet connection issues contributed to an overwhelming 26% of all complaints.
Poor internet can cut you off from your customers and potentially ruin your business. It can also leave you stranded and isolated in a world where many of our interactions take place across social media.Since the internetis an integral part of modern communication, it’s imperative for you to identify the right internet provider.
Whether you want to change your internet service provider (ISP) or you’re simply relocating to a new town, here are some questions to ask your new provider:
- What type of internet service do you offer? This is a crucial question since it gives you an idea of available options and their reliability. The main types of internet service include Fiber Optics, Cable, Digital Subscriber Line (DSL) and Satellite. Fiber Optics is often the fastest but is only offered in certain cities. Be sure to ask what service type you’ll be receiving.
- Do you cover my neighborhood? Every ISP wants you to believe they offer nationwide coverage. Of course, some small companies offer mobile virtual network operator services (MVNO) by using the towers of bigger phone companies. But make sure you get upfront clarification regarding the service areas or your riskgetting stuck with a poor connection.
- Will we be signing a Service Agreement? As a rule of thumb, make sure you get an assurance regarding the service you’re to receive. Such assurances are contained in the Service Level Agreement (SLA), and it must be included in the master contract you sign. An SLA holds the ISP accountability to a level of service and connectivity it claims to provide.
- What are the terms of ouragreement? The terms you’re to receive, both online and in paper,should clarify the length of contract, termination fees, internet speed and otheroptions regarding usage. Make sure you understand everything in the contract because it will determine how much data you can use and at what rate. What’s more, there are likely hidden costs like modem rentals and early termination fees within the first or second year.
- Do you offer integrated voice and internet service? Bundling of services is fairly common, and you can often get a good introductory deal. You can buy television, internet and voice services in one package from the same company to save on the total cost. Just make sure you read the fine print ahead of time.
- Are there any equipment and installation charges?Make sure you understand the total cost of service before signing on the dotted line. The answer to this question will depend on the ISP, type of service and where you live.
Before selecting your ISP, make sure you read reviews and analyze what you really need at home or in your business. If you are moving or simply considering other options, you can find Internet at BroadbandSearch.net.