Top Employer Branding Challenges

Employer branding is an essential aspect of the image of an organisation as a place for work. It represents a firm’s efforts to endorse a clear view of what makes it covetable as an employer. Simply put, it is all about advertising the culture, values, and goals of the workplace to attract potential employees and retain existing ones. However, employers may face a host of challenges in branding their organizations right. Here are some common employer branding challenges that organizations face today.

Not knowing where to start

Many employers remain unaware of the basics and find it hard to start branding initiatives. This is especially a problem if employers don’t actively listen to employees and take their issues into account. Even when employers know the brand values they’d like to communicate, they may not know the right channels for doing so. To start branding activities, start from the very basics. Put yourself in the shoes of applicants and understand their perception of the company. Review your interview process and communication before and after hiring.

Inconsistent messaging

The lack of consistency in the employer brand is one of the biggest challenges faced by organisations today. Candidates want to know what organizations stand for and so consistency in messaging and communication is extremely vital. Without this, you may confuse your candidates and end up losing both potential employees and current ones. The gap between the promise as an employer brand and the actual experience as an employee can create a sense of disconnection between the corporate and its employees.

Lack of collaboration

Another huge problem for companies is a lack of collaboration across departments and teams with regard to employer branding. Related teams working apart often results in duplication of efforts. This can make your strategic approach difficult to execute and also limits the influence of branding campaigns.

Lack of capacity

Many organizations face a lack of capacity since they don’t have employees hired specifically for branding activities, which can be a lot of additional work. If your marketing department isn’t well-equipped to help you establish a strong employer brand, partner with a recruitment consultant who will help you execute an employer branding plan. Outsourcing employer branding to an agency doesn’t mean completely relying on a third party to handle this critical function – your marketing department can work in tandem to streamline branding goals.

Tackling the challenges

Having a good brand image can really help you attract the right kind of workforce at the right time. Without a solid brand name, your organization may end up spending more on the wrong employees.

Given the excessively competitive nature of the market today, employer branding is vital. Without this, recruiting and retaining the top talent and the finest of workers becomes a huge challenge which can also be costly. A business can be sustainable only if the employees use their creativity to help grow the business. The best way to find such individuals is to create the impression that the organization is the most terrific place to work.